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Passengers Corporate

Cargo Delivery Cost Can Now Be Calculated on Koltsovo Airport Website

Now it is possible to calculate the cost of cargo transportation to destinations served by the cargo warehouse of Koltsovo international airport (part of the Airports of Regions holding). The new service is available on the airport’s official website.

The consignor may independently get all necessary information about the possibility of cargo transportation to the destination of concern, choose a flight and departure date as per the schedule, calculate the cost of transportation, pick out an optimal route and carrier.

The list of possible destinations for cargo transportation by air from Yekaterinburg is notably extended each passing year along with the number of carriers performing flights on particular routes.

13 December 2019 Flights to Novokuznetsk Soon to Open from Koltsovo for the First Time 17 December 2019 Flights to Orenburg to Resume from Koltsovo
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