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Plein-air painting in Koltsovo

An aviation plein-air painting took place at Koltsovo international airport (part of the Airports of Regions holding), with participants representing different art studios of the Sverdlovsk Region. Artists could paint the airport’s operations right from the airfield as part of the plein-air painting.

Participating in the event were 10 painters, most being avowed professionals, members of the Russian Union of Artists. During the day they were painting sketches from the airport’s life using various techniques including oil, watercolors, pastel paint and others. The artists could see and picture Koltsovo airport from different vantage points of the airfield, the plots of their works being plane takeoffs and landings, preparation for flights, the motion of vehicles as well as terminals and control tower.

Koltsovo airport traditionally holds special actions for people carried away by aviation. A number of spotting sessions annually take place in the airport with photographers from all over Russia participating. Koltsovo is also one of the token sites for creative people as it constantly hosts important cultural events, including the Night of Museums, Ural Music Night and Stenograffia festivals.    

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