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Koltsovo constructs its passenger’s profile

Koltsovo international airport (part of the Airports of Regions holding) has conducted a survey to find out its passengers’ preferences. Based on the data collected, Koltsovo can construct the most typical passenger’s profile: a woman aged 25-34, traveling to one of the Asian destinations or to Moscow. She arrives 2 hours before the departure, most often by taxi, and prefers online check-in. As she waits for her flight, she visits two shops and uses the services of a café or restaurant.

As per the survey, in 2018 a roughly equal number of women and men took domestic flights, whereas on international destinations the number of traveling women twice exceeded the number of traveling men (68% versus 32%). Passengers aged 25-34 are most frequent flyers. They account for 29% of all who travel to domestic destinations and 31% of those traveling to international destinations.

Roughly 52% of passengers using international lines named Asian destinations as their terminal point, with 26% traveling to Europe, 17% heading for CIS and near-abroad destinations, and 5% – for Africa. Moscow turned out to be the much-expected leader on inland flights.  

Taxi is the preferred way of getting to Koltsovo airport for 40% of all passengers; 32% are given a lift by loved ones or relatives. The average time of staying at the airport is 112 minutes for passengers of domestic lines and 128 minutes – for those traveling abroad. It should be noted that since 2016 this indicator has gone down by 12 minutes for inland flights and 22 minutes for international flights.

Estimating the airport-based services, passengers thought high about the variety and personnel of catering outlets and duty-free shops. 

15 March 2019 New airlines launches flights from Yekaterinburg to Baku 27 March 2019 RusLine launches flights to Saransk and Arkhangelsk from Koltsovo
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