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Koltsovo freight terminal handles 400 tonnes of flowers on the eve of March 8

Koltsovo international airport (affiliated with the Airports of Regions holding) received several “flower” flights in the run-up to International Women’s Day March 8. A Boeing 747-400 of SkyGates Airlines that had landed in the airport on the eve of this date delivered 91 tonnes of flowers to Yekaterinburg.

Overall Koltsovo received 7 “flower” flights since mid-February. Boeing 747 jumbo jets brought about 400 tonnes of flowers to Yekaterinburg from Amsterdam and Maastricht – roses, tulips, lilies and orchids. This year two freight airlines have been involved in the delivery of flowers: AirBridgeCargo and SkyGates.

Cargoes arriving in Koltsovo are handled at the Freight terminal which is not only equipped with up-to-date storage facilities, but also with premises for storing items in need of special storage conditions. Aircraft ramps are directly connected to the Freight terminal and maximally convenient driveways for motor transport are also provided. This cuts the logistics and cargo handling time significantly.

The Freight terminal was opened at Koltsovo in 2012, whereas an international mail traffic centre commenced its operations here in 2013. Today Koltsovo is one of the most up-to-date airport logistics centers in the country.  

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